Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Women dress their best when ovulating

My old folks used to tell us that when a pregnant lady dresses well, it means that the baby is a girl.

This research shows that women even though she's not pregnant with a baby girl still dress their best when ovulating. This is the story:

Women dress their best when ovulating, study says

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Women dress better when they are most fertile, according to a study published online last week in the journal Hormones and Behavior.

Using 30 college-age women as subjects, five researchers had a panel of 42 men and women compare photos of the women taken both when they were ovulating and when they were not, asking in which photo each woman looked more attractive. Sixty percent of the time, the panel chose the photos of the women taken when they were most fertile.

In an interview, the study's lead author, Martie Haselton, called the findings "highly statistically significant" and said, "We know the effects have something to do with ovulation." She added that the judges thought the women dressed increasingly attractively the closer they were to their most fertile day.

While other species emit scents or display other physical changes when they are ready to mate, researchers have traditionally assumed humans conceal their fertility, the paper's authors wrote. They added that their work suggests that ovulating women engage in "self-ornamentation through attentive personal grooming and attractive choice of dress."

"It's just showing us our evolution, our biology, is showing up in even the most modern of behaviors," said Haselton, a scientist at the Center for Behavior, Evolution and Culture at UCLA.

The researchers were uncertain what was motivating these women, however: whether ovulating women may be trying to attract mates beyond their primary partners or simply reflecting a mood change, they wrote.

Source: SF GATE.